Natural Theology in Reformed Orthodoxy (or Dangerous Junius)

by Jonathan Tomes We observed a few weeks ago that, for Franciscus Junius, a Reformed Orthodox scholastic and humanist, supernatural grace elevates nature, perfecting nature beyond its natural capacities, even from the beginning. Such seemed an appropriate beginning, as this is a sometimes controverted point between Protestant and Roman Catholic theologians, even from the early… Read More Natural Theology in Reformed Orthodoxy (or Dangerous Junius)

Nature and Grace in Reformed Orthodoxy: Is there a Problem with the Narrative? (Or, on having your cake without the layers)

The Regensburg Forum is pleased to feature a series of posts by Jonathan Tomes, beginning with explorations in the development of nature and grace in Reformed Orthodox thought. Modern Reformed Protestants have not always been the most reliable on those points touching diversity in their tradition, though this historical myopia likely besets every tradition. Much… Read More Nature and Grace in Reformed Orthodoxy: Is there a Problem with the Narrative? (Or, on having your cake without the layers)